Paris Paralympics

Opening Ceremony August 28th

Boccia events Saturday, August 29 through Saturday, September 5th

Ready to watch some Boccia?

The ones to watch video


Subscribe to the World Boccia YouTube

And the Paralympic YouTube Channel


To see all the action: Need a schedule? We got you covered:

Boccia Schedule Paris 2024




Achieving Personal Best

Through flawless preparation and execution, the Paris 2024 Games aim to deliver an event where every athlete can realise their best performance and achieve their personal best.

The world’s best technologies will be adopted in developing competition venues and in operating the Games.

All French citizens, including Olympic and Paralympic volunteers, will employ their utmost resourcefulness as hosts to welcome visitors from around the world with the best hospitality.


Accepting and respecting differences in race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, level of ability or other status allows peace to be maintained and society to continue to develop and flourish.

The Paris 2024 will foster a welcoming environment and raise awareness of unity in diversity among citizens of the world.




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