Welcome to the new USA Boccia website!
A priority from the previous staff was to improve communication with our members. During this transition, we will continue to improve communications to an even greater level than previously achieved.
In the near future, we will continue to upgrade and complete our website, increase our social media communications and reach out to the membership for even more input.
As with all interactive member websites, the real value of it is to be responsive and flexible and we will be updating it constantly to provide the latest up-to-date information to you. There are several sections of the site (such as the high-performance plan, 2021 competition schedule, updated rankings, coaching education, apparel, and gear store, etc.) that are being worked on and will be added shortly. We will also be adding a section that will be requesting and featuring the input and feedback from our members. We want to build a website that is state of the art so if you have ideas on how we can improve it with new features, new apps, please let us know! Please share our website URL (and social media channels) with others who may be interested in joining or partnering with us (sponsors and donations are always welcome!).
And don’t forget to follow us on our social media channels and contribute to the content. We need you to get the ball rolling!
Thank you!
USA Boccia